Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy New Rover Year 2008

Rover Fans,

Thanks to all of you that showed up at Britannia Arms for our Christmas show. It was good to have you there. We hope you enjoyed the new live CD. It featured some great performances from Christina Cree, John Davies and Martin Sweet with his new songs.

Make sure you catch the Rovers on KPIG 107.5 on Sunday,Jan 8 @ 10:00am. Then on Friday, January 19, @ 9:00 at the ever famous Don Quixote's with a surprise special guest.

Don't miss Don Quixote's it would be great to have you there.

The Wild Rovers

Saturday, December 01, 2007


The Wild Rovers played last night at Crows Nest on the Santa Cruz harbor. It was a beautiful night of great music, and fun. We saw a bunch of new faces show up last night and we thank you for coming out and supporting us.

The Rovers will be playing a memorable holiday show at Brittania Arms on December 22. We will play some traditional Christmas songs as well as some Rover tunes also. Don't miss this gig, it will be our last one for the year.

Check back often for new gigs and happenings to come.

The ROvers

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Wild Rovers on Myspace

The Wild Rovers have a myspace.
Please check it out and tell your friends.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Wild Rovers at Don Quioxtes

We just played good old Britannia Arms last Saturday, and it was quite fun. A good turn out, even though our, one of a kind, guitarist couldn't make it. We still had a blast! We have a few more gigs that you do not want to miss:
Wednesday, September 5 at Don Quioxtes. This is a great opportunity for us. We are asking all fans to come and support us at this venue. We will also be playing live on KPIG on Sunday morning, September 2 prior to the Wednesday night.
Look for us at Crows Nest this October, and then at Brittania Arms again in December.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007

Wild Rover Update

Dear Wild Rover Friends, Fans and Family,

We, The Wild Rovers, wanted to write you a brief newsletter to keep
you up-to-date with all that is going on in our band. It has been an
amazing year.

This last year our band lost our bass player and original Wild
Rover, Jorn Pahnke, who is now doing mission work in Fiji. We miss him
and he is truly rovin' around the world doing what he can to help out.
The Rovers were fortunate enough to land Ryan Zash as our new bass man. He is
a long-time friend of a lot of the guys. Ryan has stepped in and is a
fast learner, even though bass is not is his main instrument. It will
be though… yes it will.

7 Rovers were not enough, so Jeff Trabucco came along to sing
along and play Bodhrán. Next came Karl Heebner our sound master that
has helped us in countless ways. He enjoys the fact that we get free
beverages and he's not the only one. Finally, we added a feminine
touch with the beautiful voice of our guest singer, Christina Kree. We
will be finding new ways to add her into the fold.

This last year Devin Avey and Martin Sweet wrote several
originals to add to our repertoire:

Waves of Sorrow-Sweet
Light of the Moon-Sweet
Wear the Green-Sweet
Devin's Hornpipe-Avey
The Vow-Avey
Waves Upon the Sea-Sweet/Avey

Our band was able to make our first demo cd with 7 songs from a live
recording this last year. We are selling this CD for only $5 at our
performances. In addition, we have begun selling our new t-shirts with
the Wild Rover logo for $10 at our band's performances.

Finally, we wanted to share about our numerous upcoming
performances this summer. Hopefully you can join us for one or all of
these of shows. We get our summer started with our busiest week
to-date when we perform on a stage in front of the 4th of July in
front of Brittania Arms in Aptos at 9:00 a.m. just before the parade
begins. Next, the Wild Rovers will be playing at a private party on
Saturday, July 7th a ranch in Watsonville. After this, our band will
be playing traditional hymns at the Rio Theatre on Sunday, July 8th
with Faith Community Church at 10:30 a.m. We head to the Crow's Nest
in Santa Cruz on Thursday, July 12th at 5:30 p.m. for a beach
barbeque with a dance floor to boot! On August 3rd at 8:00 p.m. our band is pumped to
play up at the Brookdale Lodge in the Ben Lomand area. If you find the
time, please bring your friends to these performances so we can play
at these establishments again in the future. More performances will be
added as the details are worked out at Malone's in Scotts Valley and
The Attic in Santa Cruz.

Overall, our band is branching out, playing at many new locations and we are adding many new songs
to our set – list every gig. Please feel free to e-mail us song ideas.

Slainte Mhath!
(Good Health)

The Wild Rovers

P.S. We would love to see those Rowdy Roverette Dancers at some of our
upcoming gigs.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Hey Wild Rovers fans,
This summer we have many new gigs lined up. We've been asked to play at the Crows Nest for their beach BBQ on July 12. That will be a fun time for family. We will be right on the beach. Also we will be playing at Brookdale lodge in Ben Lomond, We will be there on Friday, Aug 3. We have been practicing a few new songs. Christine Cree will be singing some classic Gaelic songs as well. Lots of fun this summer. Come join us this summer for some fun Irish music.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Hey Rover fans

We just played at the Poet and Patriot. It was a blast. We love playing there. Keep checking back here for some summer gigs.
We will be playing at Brookdale Lodge on August 3. We are looking into playing Crows Nest, Malones and the Attic. So check back soon.
The Rovers

Monday, April 02, 2007


St.Patty's day was fantastic. We had a wonderful time at the Crows Nest and Zeldas. The Wild Rovers want to thank all their friends and family that came out to support them.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Wild Rovers are Rio del Mar.

What a fun gig we had on St.Patty's day. Thank you Wild Rover fans for supporting our music and band. We had such a good time at Crows Nest on Friday and Saturday at Zeldas. We also had the priviledge of playing for over 600 elementary students at our school Rio del Mar. Wow they were the best crowd yet.

We our scheduled to play a few gigs in the coming months. The dates are soon to be released. Please check back soon.
Wild Rovers.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Wild Rovers gig to come

Wild Rover Fans.
St.Patty's Day is around the corner and the Wild Rovers are ready to rock.
Come join us for a festive St.Patty's Day. @
Crows Nest on March 16 at 8:00 pm and
Zeldas in Capitola at 9:00 pm. Both gigs will experience the amazing dynamics of an eight member band. We have recently added an eighth member, his name is Jeff and he plays the baran, whistle and sings. We are lucky to have found him. Along with Jeff joining us we have added quite a few new songs, a few tradtional and some new written songs. Plus a special appearance by Christine Cree. So come and join us for fun, food, beer and song.



Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Attention Rover Fans

The Wild Rovers will be playing this Saturday night at The Poet and Patriot. We will start around 9:30. We have a lot of new songs, and we have taken on a baran player. 8 members wow that's a full stage but we are excited to have him play with us.
This is a great opportunity to hear us if you can't make it on St. Pattys Day. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you there.

The Wild Rovers will be releasing our first cd. So look for it on St. Patty's Day.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wild Rover Friends

Hey if you haven't done so, Check us out on Myspace as wildrover7. The Rovers have a lot going on. A few gigs, some worship at FCC, and a Cd.

This Sunday we are playing worship at FCC church at the Rio in Santa Cruz. Then in February we have gig at the Poet and Patriot, then off to Zeldas and Crows Nest for St.Patty's Day. Lastly, hopefully by St Patty's Day we'll have CD. :)

Finally we've added a few new songs thanks to Martin Sweet and Devin who have put their heart and soul into some fabulous songs. Along with tradional Come out Ye Black and Tan. So check back soon.

Wild ROvers